
Bio (english)

Daniela is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Innovation for Learning and Teaching (CILT) at the University of Cape Town. Her current research focuses on academic staff development for designing blended and online learning in higher education, with a particular focus on developing socially just learning and curriculum designs based on co-creation and equity-oriented compassionate design principles. She teaches on the PG Diploma in EdTech, the Masters in EdTech and convenes the Masters in Higher Education Studies (HES) at UCT. She completed a Masters in Adult Education at the University of Botswana and received a PHD from the School of Education at the University of Cape Town. She is a C1-rated researcher and 2022 Fulbright Scholar who has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. She is the managing editor of CriSTaL, the journal for critical studies in teaching and learning in higher education. She blogs at and tweets under @dgachago17

Bio (german)

Spezialistin für e-learning, edutainment and socially just pedagogies

Daniela arbeitet seit über 20 Jahren in verschieden Rollen für Unternehmen und akademische Institutionen in der Weiterbildung durch digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen. Nachdem sie in Wien in der Privatwirtschaft schon vor der Jahrtausendwende als Pionierin blended learning und edutainment Projekte aufgebaut und geleitet hat, hat sie 2002 in den akademischen Bereich gewechselt. Zuerst als Managerin an die Educational Technology Unit an der University of Botswana, dann als eLearning Spezialistin an die University of Edinburgh.

Seit 2021 arbeitet Daniela an der University of Cape Town in Kapstadt, im Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching. Im Fokus: Begleitung und Training von akademischen Lehrkräften bei der Integration von digital gestützter Pädagogik. Auch bei der Entwicklung von innovativen Lehrplänen und Curricula, die den Studenten, deren Kontext  und den Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes entsprechen.

Daniela hat einen PHD der University of Cape Town (Education) und einen Master der University of Botswana (Adult Education).

Daniela versteht sich als ,critical educator‘. So fokussiert sie ihre Arbeit auf die Förderung von mehr sozialer Gerechtigkeit in und außerhalb von Bildungseinrichtungen, durch Dialogarbeit und Partizipative Pädagogik.

Beide Welten kennend, ist Daniela stets Verbindungsbeauftragte zwischen Unternehmen und Universitäten, und freut sich auf entsprechenden Austausch und Projekte innerhalb des DNA.clubs.


  • akademische und professionelle Weiterbildung
  • Technologien in der Lehre
  • Blended Kursdesign und -entwicklung
  • Workshop und Online Facilitation
  • Interkulturelles Arbeiten – working across differences
  • socially just pedagogies
  • design thinking
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten / research methodologies

Twitter: @dgachago17

Academic career

Since 05/21: University of Cape Town, Centre for Innovative Learning and Teaching (CILT), Cape Town, South Africa. Position: Associate Professor

08/18 - 03/21: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET), Cape Town, South Africa. Position: Associate Professor (Educational Technology)

11/15 - 08/18: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET), Cape Town, South Africa. Position: Senior Lecturer (Educational Technology)

01/10 - 10/15: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Fundani Center for Higher Education Development, Cape Town, South Africa. Position: (Senior) Lecturer (Educational Technology)

01/07 – 11/09 : University of Edinburgh, College of Science and Engineering, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.Position: eLearning Advisor

11/02 – 12/06: University of Botswana, Centre for Academic Development, Educational Technology Unit, Gaborone, Botswana. Position: Manager (from 09/05), Instructional Designer (11/02 – 08/05)


09/92 – 05/98 Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, Bachelor of Commerce (Hon), specialisation: Human Resource Management

01/04 – 10/09 University of Botswana, Department of Adult Education, Masters of Adult Education. Title of dissertation: Developing lifelong learning skills in Adult Education Masters Students through eLearning.

02/12-12/15 University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, PHD (Education). Title of dissertation: Digital storytelling and sentimentality – towards a post-conflict pedagogy for pre-service teacher education in South Africa. Supervisors: Prof. Dick Ng’ambi, Center of Educational Technology, University of Cape Town and Prof. Vivienne Bozalek, Director Teaching and Learning, University of Western Cape. 

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