
Formal courses / programmes

Teaching at UCT

  • 2024: Acting Programme convenor for the Masters Programme in Higher Education Studies (HES) at UCT
  • Since 2024: Programme convenor for the Masters Programme in Higher Education Studies (HES) at UCT
  • Since 2023: Convenor of EDN5511 Researching Higher Education Studies as part of the Masters in HES at UCT
  • Since 2021: Co-convenor of 'EDN5509 Learning with Technology' as part of the Masters in EdTech at UCT 
  • Since 2021: Co-convenor of  'EDN4501 Online  Learning Design' design as part of the PGIDP in ICT in Education at UCT 
Teaching for CHEC
  • Facilitation of ‘ICTs for Teaching and Learning’ as part of the PGDIP in Higher Education (Teaching and Learning) offered by CPUT, SU, and UWC (August - November 2019)
  • Facilitation of the 'Research in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education' as part of the PGDIP in Higher Education (Teaching and Learning) offered by CPUT, SU, and UWC (February - June 2019)
  • Re-design and facilitation of ‘ICTs for Teaching and Learning’ as part of the PGDIP in Higher Education (Teaching and Learning) offered by CPUT, SU, and UWC (August - November 2017)
  • Design and facilitation of ‘ICTs for Teaching and Learning’ as part of the PGDIP in Higher Education (Teaching and Learning) offered by CPUT, SU, and UWC (August - October 2015)



Compassionate learning design, presentation for EDN4500, 27 February 2024
AI for postgraduate studies, presentation for EGS PG students, 26 February 2024


Ethical Practices in Digital Storytelling, invited guest lecture in the Feminist Research Methodologies seminar, Department of Women and Gender Studies, UWC, 16 Feb 2023


Towards ethical guidelines for Digital Storytelling in HE, invited guest lecture in the feminist research methodologies seminar, Department for Women and Gender Studies, UWC, August 2022.

Does the notion of Rainbowism have anything to offer schools in South Africa? Dialogue with Asanda Ngoasheng at  CPUT Honours of Education class, July 2022.

Digital Storytelling for Marketing and Sales, online workshop for FH Wiener Neustadt, Master in Marketing, May/June 2022.


Towards ethical guidelines for Digital Storytelling in HE, invited guest lecture at the Rhodes PHD winter school, July 2021.

Digital Storytelling for Professional Development, online workshop for FH Wiener Neustadt, Master in Professional Development, June 2021.

Towards ethical guidelines for Digital Storytelling in HE, invited guest lecture in the feminist research methodologies seminar, Department for Women and Gender Studies, UWC, April 2021.


Digital Storytelling for Professional Development, online workshop for FH Wiener Neustadt, Master in Professional Development, May 2020.

Towards ethical guidelines for Digital Storytelling in HE, invited guest lecture in the feminist research methodologies seminar, Department for Women and Gender Studies, UWC, April 2020.

Facilitation of Privilege Walk for CPUT Marketing students, October 2018
Digital Storytelling  for Journalism, presentation for first year Media Studies students at CPUT, May 2018
Facilitation of Digital Storytelling workshop (3 days) for Student Counselors at CPUT, May 2018
Towards flexible learning at CPUT: the case of Real Estate, invited guest lecture on the UCT PGDIP (ICT), Feb 2018

Facilitation of Privilege Walk at the SUN Orientation week, Jan 2017.
Facilitation of Privilege Walk with ECP Design students, May 2017.
Mendeley workshop for Radiography Honours students, May 2017.
Guest lecture on BTECH Information Technology on Data collection and Sampling, May 2017
Guest lecture on Research Winter School at the Faculty of Informatics and Design, research philosophy and qualitative data collection, June 2017
Facilitation of Privilege Walk with 1st year Journalism students, June 2017.

Guest lecture in the MEd (ICT) at the University of Cape Town, on literature review and research methodology as part of the PHD journey lectures (March / April / Sept 2016)
Guest lecture for the PGDIP module on Assessment 'Multimodal Assessment', 05 August 2016
Introduction to Digital Storytelling, ECP design students, April 2016

Co-teaching final year "Professional Course" in the BEd GET IFP programme Faculty of Education at CPUT: development of digital stories as final year teaching portfolio, September - October 2014
2014 03 25 Emerging technologies for Higher Education, a guide for South African HE practitioners, guest lecture  on the UCT MEd (ICT),  Link to podcast.
2014 02 Digital storytelling at CPUT, invited presentation at the PGDIP Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, link to presentation.

Introduction to digital storytelling, developing scripts, sourcing creative commons images and developing digital stories, range of workshops delivered to BTECH Business students, October 2013.
Co-teaching final year "Professional Course" in the BEd GET IFP programme Faculty of Education at CPUT: development of digital stories as final year teaching portfolio, September - October 2013
Digital storytelling train the trainer workshop (5 days) for ISP Education students, August 2013.
Introduction to digital storytelling, seminar for ECP Architectural Technology students, August 2013.
Introduction to digital storytelling, seminar for ESL students in Faculty of Business, May 2013.
Introduction to digital storytelling, participatory learning and action techniques, developing storyboard and scripts, range of workshops delivered the ECP Nursing students, March 2013.
Introduction to digital storytelling, developing storyboards and digital stories, series of presentations/workshops for 4th year Education Foundation students, February-March 2013.
Introduction to digital storytelling, developing storyboards and using Photostory to develop digital stories, series of presentations/workshops for 2nd year Food Tech students, February-March 2013.
2013 03 Guest lecture on the UCT MEd (ICT): Emerging technologies in Teaching and Learning in HE
2013 03 Guest lecture on the UCT Med (ICT): The use of wikis for online collaboration
2013 02 My research story - towards a literature review, presentation on the Masters of ICT in Education at UCT

Introduction to digital storytelling for ECP Design Foundation students, October 2012.
Introduction to digital storytelling for 2nd year GIS students, September 2012
Co-teaching final year "Professional Course" in the BEd GET ISP programme Faculty of Education at CPUT: development of digital stories as final year teaching portfolio, September - October 2012
Social media awareness workshop for Clothing and Textile ECP students, August 2012
Train-the-trainer Digital Storytelling workshop (3 days) for ISP Education students at CPUT, August 2012
Introduction to digital storytelling, developing storyboards, scripting and using Photostory to develop digital stories, series of presentations/workshops for ECP ArchTech students, August 2012.
Introduction to digital storytelling, participatory learning and action techniques, developing storyboard and scripts, range of workshops delivered the ECP Nursing students, March 2012.
Introduction to digital storytelling, developing storyboards and using Photostory to develop digital stories, series of presentations/workshops for 2nd year Food Tech students, February-March 2012.
2012 06 Guest lecture on the UCT MEd (ICT): Use of wikis in Teaching and Learning
2012 12 Guest lecture on the UCT MEd (ICT): Online collaboration tools
2012 02 Using Mendeley for organising your research, workshop given for the UCT MEd (ICT)

Social media awareness workshop, ECP Food and Textile students, October 2011
Co-teaching final year "Professional Course" in the BEd GET ISP programme Faculty of Education at CPUT: development of digital stories as final year teaching portfolio, September - October 2011
Introduction to Digital Storytelling, concept development, storyboarding, digital moviemaking, ECP Architectural Technology students, August 2011

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