

Fulbright scholar at PennState University (Feb - April 2022)
NRF C1 rating (2022-2026) (ZAR 20.000 UCT seed award for rated researchers and ZAR 50.000 NRF newly rated researcher funding)
IJAD 2021 article of the year shortlist

UCT start up grant award (ZAR 19.500)

Appointment as Managing Editor of CriSTaL (Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning),

Participation in HERDSA academy (September 2019)

CPUT Conference Committee Award to participate at the AERA 2019 General Meeting in Toronto, Canada (ZAR 43.070)

CPUT Conference Committee Award to participate at the Untold 2017 conference, London, UK (ZAR 35.000)

CPUT Research Day Awards (for research activities during 2016): Silver for Research Publications (ZAR 30.000)

Accepted into the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) scholarship fellowship programme (

CPUT Conference Committee Award to participate at the Sixth International Conference on Digital Storytelling. Northampton, MA, 25-27 September.

CPUT Conference Committee Award to participate at the International Conference "Digital Storytelling in times of Crisis'. Athens, Greece, 8-10 May

CPUT Conference Committee Award to participate at International Digital Storytelling conference, Ankara, Turkey, 8-10 of May.

CPUT Conference Committee Award to participate at the eLearning Africa . Mliminani Conference Center, Dar Ess Salaam, Tanzania, May.

University of Edinburgh Conference Committee Award to participate at the 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (eLearning Africa), Nairobi, Kenya, May.

University of Edinburgh Conference Committee Award to participate at theALT-C Conference, Nottingham, UK.

University of Botswana Conference Committee Award to participate in the 1st International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (eLearning Africa), UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May.

University of Botswana Conference Committee Award to participate in the WebCT Africa User Conference in Johannesburg, April.

University of Botswana Conference Committee Award to participate at the WebCT User Conference 2004, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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