
Accredited conference proceedings

  • Huang, C., Coleman, M., Gachago, D.  &Van Belle, JP. (2023). Using ChatGPT to Encourage Critical AI Literacy Skills and for Assessment in Higher Education. In H.E. Van Rensburg, D. Snyman, L. Drevin and G. Drevin (Eds.) ICT Education. 52nd Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association (SACLA). Cham: Springer, pp. 105-118.  (Best Paper Award)
  • Gachago, D., Bali, M., & Pallitt, N. (2020). No Size Fits All: Design Considerations for Networked Learning Across Contexts in Higher Education. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning, Kodling, Denmark, May 2020. link to paper
  • Gachago, D., Morkel, J., Van Zyl, I, & Ivala, E. (2020). Nurturing creative confidence and learner empathy: design principles for innovative academic staff development. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning, Kodling, Denmark, May 2020. link to paper
  • Gachago, D., Cruz, L., Morkel, J., & Parker, M. (2019). Development : Cross-continental design principles for blended learning course design. Proceedings of the 8th International DEFSA Conference: Designed Futures (pp. 105–115). DEFSA. 
  • Swartz, B. & Gachago, D., (2018). Students’ perceptions on screencasts feedback in postgraduate research supervision. Accepted for Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on e-Learning, 5-6 July 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Ivala, E. (Ed.), pp. 431-438. Reading: ACPI. Link to proceedings.
  • Gachago, D., Jones, B. & Edwards, S. (2018). Towards a flexible learning provision - staff and students’ experiences in a distance education offering in Real Estate. Accepted for Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on e-Learning, 5-6 July 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Ivala, E. (Ed.), pp. 93-102. Reading: ACPI. Link to proceedings.
  • Gachago, D., Hitge, L., Van Zyl, I., Morkel, J. & Ivala, E. (2018). Designing for design thinking: fostering an eLearning champion mindset through academic staff development. Accepted for Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on e-Learning, 5-6 July 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Ivala, E. (Ed.), pp. 104-112. Reading: ACPI. Link to paper on Researchgate or Link to proceedings.
  • Condy, J., Chigona, A., Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. ,2013. Using digital storytelling to reflect on social inclusion and exclusion. In Proceedings of the ZA-WWW 2013 conference.
  • Gachago,  D.,  Cronje,  F.,  Ivala,  E.,  Condy,  J.  &  Chigona,  A.,  2013.  Stories  of resistance:  digital  counterstories  among  South   African  pre-service  student educators. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on e-Learning, Cape Town South Africa. Ivala, E. (Ed.), pp.149-156. Reading: ACPI.
  • Ng'ambi, D., Bozalek, V. & Gachago, D., 2013. Empowering Educators to Teach using Emerging Technologies in Higher Education: A Case of Facilitating a Course across Institutional Boundaries. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on e-Learning, Cape Town South Africa. Ivala, E. (Ed.), pp.292-300. Reading: ACPI.
  • Ivala, E., Thiart, A. & Gachago, D., 2013. A Lecturer’s Perception of the Adoption of the Inverted Classroom or Flipped Method of Curriculum Delivery in a Hydrology Course, in a Resource Poor University of Technology. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on e-Learning, Cape Town South Africa. Ivala, E. (Ed.), pp.207-214. Reading: ACPI.
  • Chigona, A., Condy, J., Ivala, E. & Gachago, D., 2013. Digital Storytelling in a pre- service teachers’ classroom: a Community of Practice. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013, pp. 1491-1498. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. ISSN/ISBN: 978-1-939797-02-5
  • Chigona, A., Condy, J., Gachago, D. & and Ivala, E., 2012. “Examining Pre-service Teachers ’ Perceptions on Uptake of Digital Storytelling for Classroom Use.” In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012, 1621–1628. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • Ng’ambi, D., Gachago, D. , Ivala, E. , Bozalek, V. & Watters, K., 2012. “Emerging Technologies in South African Higher Education Institutions: Towards a Teaching and Learning Practice Framework.” In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on e-Learning. Hong Kong, China.
  • Ivala, E., Chigona, A., Gachago, D. & Condy, J., 2012. “Digital Storytelling and Student Engagement: A Case of Pre-service Student Teachers and Their Lecturers’ at a University of Technology.” In 7th International Conference on e-Learning, ed. P Pam,pp. 354–362. Hong Kong, China.
  • Giannini-Gachago, D., Lee, M. & Thurab-Nkhosi, D., 2005. Towards development of best practice guidelines for e-learning at the University of Botswana. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology for Education (CATE 2005), Aruba, August 2005.
  • Van der Merwe, M., & Giannini-Gachago, D., 2005. Imparting life-long learning skills through e-learning in undergraduate students – Experiences at the University of Botswana. In Proceedings of  CRLL International Conference 2005, Stirling, Scotland, June 2005.
  • Giannini, D., 2004. ICTs and Poverty Reduction. In Proceedings of the Adult Education and Poverty Reduction Conference 2004, Gaborone, Botswana.
  • Eyitayo, O., &  Giannini, D.,2003. Instructional support and course development for computer literacy course: using anchored instruction. In Proceedings of IASTED 2004 conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Ranganai, R., Mhlanga, L., & Giannini, D., 2003. The SANTREN Water Resources Management eLearning Course: Water Quality Monitoring and Management- Towards Sustainable Water for SADC. In Proceedings of WARFSA 2003 conference.
  • Thurab-Nkhosi, D., Lee, M., & Giannini, D., 2003. Training Faculty in eLearning Course Design: Experiences at the University of Botswana. In Proceedings of elearn 2003 conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Lee, M., Thurab-Nkhosi, D., & Giannini, D., 2003. Challenges in Benchmarking eLearning Courses in Developing Settings: Preliminary Findings at the University of Botswana. Proceedings of International Conference for Open and Online Learning (ICOOL) 2003, Mauritius.

Peer-reviewed conference presentations

  • Govender, S, Gachago D. et al 2024. A BOLD proposition: Designing for radical flexibility in a PGDip on Blended and Online Learning Design. Heltasa 2024, 26-28 November 2024, Polokwane. Slides.
  • Reddy et al 2024. Critical Dialogues on Student Staff Partnerships. Heltasa 2024, 26-28 November 2024, Polokwane. Slides.
  • Reddy et al 2024. Designing for Socially Just Partnerships: Student Staff Collaborations at UCT.  UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town. Link to slides.
  • Gachago et al. 2024. Designing in the times of AI: Cocreation as a strategy towards emergent learning design. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town. Link to slides.
  • Govender, S., Immega, C. & Gachago, D. 2024. Designing Systems with Care: Responding to Inequality in an Online Course in South Africa.  ICED2024, 4-6 of June 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. Link to slides
  • Gachago, D. Bali, M. & Pallitt, N. 2024. Narratives of Resistance from Equity-Oriented Learning Designer.. ICED2024, 4-6 of June 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. Link to slides
  • Huang, CW, Govender, S. & Gachago, D. 2023. From the individual to the collective: Repositioning assessment as a social practice. Poster presentation at ISSOTL. Utrecht, November 2023.  
  • Pather, S., Cupido, X. & Gachago, D., 2023. Co-creating Curricula Across Difference: A Path Towards a Decolonial Education System. Students as Partners Roundtable. 20 October 2023. Slides
  • Gachago, D., Immenga, C., Reddy, E., Roberts, JD. 2023. Dreaming up a new future - towards the design of a co-created leadership academy. Students as Partners Roundtable. 20 October 2023. Slides.
  • Rappoport, P., Liguori, A. & Gachago, D. 2023. Storying our collaboration. Presentation at the International Visual Methods Conference, 29-31 May 2023. Link to slides.
  • Gachago, D.; Immenga, C., Reddy, E. & Roberts, J. 2023. Dreaming up a new future - towards the design of a co-created leadership academy. Storying our collaboration. Presentation at the International Visual Methods Conference, 29-31 May 2023. Link to slides. 
  • Gachago, D., & Cruz, L. 2022. The Unforeseeable Future: How Educational Developers Navigate a Changing World. Research session at #POD2022 online. 14-18 Nov 2022.  Link to slides.
  • Gachago, D., Cruz, L. et al. 2020. Third Places: Cultivating Mobile Communities of Practice in the Age of COVID-19. 2020 Heltasa conference, Central University of Technology, 30th of Nov - 3rd of December 2020. Link to slides.
  • Gachago, D. & Patnaik, S. 2020. Supporting innovation in Universities of Technology - the role of eLearning champions. 2020 Heltasa conference, Central University of Technology, 30th of Nov - 3rd of December 2020. Link to slides.
  • Gachago, D., Livingston, C. & Ivala, E. 2015. Podcasting at CPUT - a technology for ALL students? Presentation at Transform 2015 online conference. 
  • Barnes, V., Gachago, D. & Ivala, E., 2012. “Digital Storytelling and Authentic Learning : A Case Study in Industrial Design.” In Proceedings of the Design, Development and Research Conference, ed. Edward Appiah, pp. 237–245. Cape Town: Faculty of Informatics and Design, Cape Peninsula University of Technology. 2012proceedings2.pdf
  • Gachago, D., Morris, A. & Simon, E., 2011. Helping the flow of the thinking juice. Student engagement in a Graphic Design clicker class. Proceedings at the Inaugural Conference on Design, Development and Research, CPUT, Cape Town, 26-27 September 2011.
  • Gachago, D., 2008. Developing lifelong learning skills through eLearning – The case of Masters of Adult Education Students at the University of Botswana. Paper presented at the emerge 2008 online conference, July 2008.
  • Giannini-Gachago, D., Munene, A., Lee, M. &  Mafote, S., 2006. Assessment of CAD eLearning certificate. Invited paper at emerge 2006 online conference, July 2006.
  • Giannini, D.,&  Seleka, G., 2004. Experiences with online discussion forums in developing countries. Paper presented at e-merge 2004 online conference.

Conference presentations

  • Gachago, D., et al. 2022. Student as Partners Panel. UCT Teaching and Learning Online Conference, 8 Nov 2022, University of Cape Town.
  • Gachago, D., McMillan J., & Pickering R. 2022. Critical reflections on encountering whiteness … a journey of engagement, discomfort and commitment. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference, 6 Nov 2022, University of Cape Town.
  • Huang C. & Gachago, D. 2022. Pains, Gains and Losses in Assessment During the Pandemic. SAAIR Quality Forum 2022, Durban, October 2022. Link to slides.
  • Cupido, X. & Gachago, D. 2019. Staying with the Discomfort. Rediscovery through Becoming-With...An ethico-onto-epistemological awakening. 10th New Materialism Conference, 2-4 of December 2019, University of Western Cape. Link to presentation.
  • Stewart, K.. & Gachago, D. 2019. Response-able Digital Storytelling to Reimagine HE Classrooms Practices. 10th New Materialism Conference, 2-4 of December 2019, University of Western Cape. Link to presentation.
  • Gachago, D. 2019. Lessons on Humility: White Women’s Racial Allyship in Academia. Presentation at roundtable on Hidden and Suppressed Narratives: A Feminist, Intersectional Look at Women's Experiences in Academia. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, April 2019.
  • Gachago, D., Livingston, C. & Scheepers, J. 2018. Towards ethical guidelines for digital storytelling in Higher Education. Presentation at RITAL, Cape Town, 6th of December 2018. 
  • Bozalek, V,  Mitchell, V., Romano,  N., Bayat, A., & Gachago, D. 2018. Re/turning as slow methodology in affective writing encounters. Presentation at HECU9, Cape Town, 15th-16th November 2018. Link to Video.
  • Gachago, D., Van Zyl, I., Hitge, L, Morkel, Jl & Ivala, E. (2016). Towards design thinking in staff development. Presentation at 2016 ICED/Heltasa. 23rd-25th of November 2016. Presentation.
  • Sykes, P. & Gachago, D. 2016. Decolonising Learning Spaces and Implication for Ethical Practice. Presentation at 2016 ICED/Heltasa. 23rd-25th of November 2016. Presentation.
  • Cupido, X, Gachago, D., Ngoasheng, A., Oyekolo, S,  Mbekela, Y. & Mpofu, A. 2018. On being Alice in Wonderland: higher education dreamscapes. Presentation at the 2018 Regional ECP Colloquium. Granger Bay, 30th of August 2018.
  • Noble, A. & Gachago, D. 2018.  Challenging dominant narratives through digital storytelling: students’ attempts at re-telling the D6 story. Presentation at the 2018 Regional ECP Colloquium. Granger Bay, 30th of August 2018
  • Ngoasheng, A., Cupido, X, Oyekolo, S & Gachago, D. 2018. Co-designing a model for decolonising the curriculum. Workshop at the Community Engagement and Social Innovation Symposium, Grahamstown, 9-11 May 2018.
  • Gachago, D. & Scheepers, J. 2018. Telling stories about stories: towards an analytical framework for ethical digital storytelling at CPUT. Community Engagement and Social Innovation Symposium, Grahamstown, 9-11 May 2018. 
  • Stewart, K. and Gachago, D, 2017. White Privilege and the Colonial Wound: some pedagogical concerns. Presentation at 2017 English Academy South Africa Annual Meeting (EASA) - 6th of Sept 2017, Granger Bay. Presentation.
  • Sykes, P & Gachago, D. 2016, I feel myself greater than before. Presentation of self in digital stories by young African women studying abroad. 8th International Conference on Multimodality, Cape Town, 7--9 December 2016.
  • Gachago, D. 2016. The problem with troubling from within: A multimodal analysis of South African teacher educators’ digital stories. 8th International Conference on Multimodality, Cape Town, 7-9 December 2016.
  • Gachago, D. & Ngoasheng, A. 2016. Dreaming up a new grid: students’ perceptions on challenging traditional notions of privilege in a South African classroom. SAERA,, Cape Town, 23-26 October 2016.
  • Gachago, D., Clowes, L, and Condy, J. 2016. ‘Family comes in all forms, blood or not’: Disrupting dominant narratives around the patriarchal nuclear family in a South African classroom. Presentation at the Socially Just Pedagogies Colloquium, University of the Western Cape, 13th of May 2016.
  • Stewart, K. and Gachago, D. 2015. Being Human Today: Digital Storytelling Across Continents. Sixth International Conference on Digital Storytelling. Northhampton, MA, 25-27 September. Presentation.
  • Gachago, D. 2015. The problem with troubling from within: a multimodal analysis of South African teacher educators' digital stories. Sixth International Conference on Digital Storytelling. Northhampton, MA, 25-27 September .
  • Stewart, K. and Gachago, D. 2015. Being Human Today: Transcontinental Border Crossing in the Time s of Facebook and YouTube. Emerging Technologies and Authentic Learning in Vocational Education, Cape Town, 31 August - 2 of September 2015, 
  • Gachago, D., Strydom, S., Hanekom, P., Simons, S., and Walters, S. 2014. Boundary crossing: Lecturers’ perspectives on the use of WhatsApp to support teaching and learning in Higher Education. Digital Presentation at  Conference for Higher Education Teaching and Learning in South Africa (HELTASA), Bloemfontein, 19-21 November. 
  • Bozalek, V., Gachago, D., and Watters, K. 2014. Power, democracy and care: Towards a normative framework for technology-enhanced-learning. Presentation at the 8th Annual University Teaching and Learning Conference, Durban, 25-27 September 2014.
  • Sosibo, L.., Ivala, E. and Gachago, D. 2014. Nostalgia, anxiety and gratification: a case study of female staff in a merged HEI. Presentation at the 8th Annual University Teaching and Learning Conference, Durban, 25-27 September 2014.
  • Gachago, D,. Condy, J., Ivala, E., Chigona, A. 2014. Capabilities of the heart and the mind: digital storytelling for social justice education. International Conference "Digital Storytelling in times of Crisis'. Athens, Greece, 8-10 May. Link to presentation.
  • Gachago, D., Livingstone, C., Ivala, E. et al 2013. The use of podcasting at a large UoT - old hat or socially inclusive technology? Conference for Higher Education Teaching and Learning in South Africa (HELTASA), Pretoria, 27-29 November. Link to presentation.
  • Gachago, D., Brown, C. et al 2013. Good practice case studies on "Emerging ICTs in Higher Education". Conference for Higher Education Teaching and Learning in South Africa (HELTASA), Pretoria, 27-29 November. Link to presentation.
  • Ng'ambi, D, Bozalek, V. and Gachago, D. 2013. De-emphasizing teaching to enable learning: modeling teaching with emerging technologies through an inter-institutional module. Conference for Higher Education Teaching and Learning in South Africa (HELTASA), Pretoria, 27-29 November.
  • Barnes, V., Gachago, D., Ivala, E. 2013. Engaging non-traditional students through digital storytelling. 5th International Digital Storytelling conference, Ankara, Turkey, 8-10 of May. Presentation.
  • Gachago, D., Bozalek, V., Ivala, E., Condy, J. and Chigona A. 2013. Exploring tensions between sentimentality and witnessing through digital storytelling: a case of South African pre-service teacher education. 5th International Digital Storytelling conference, Ankara, Turkey, 8-10 of May. Presentation.
  • Bozalek, V., Gachago, D, Alexander, L, Watters, K, Wood, D, Ivala, E & Herrington, J. 2013.The use of emerging technologies for authentic learning: A South African study in Higher Education. Presentation at the Authentic Learning Colloquium, Cape Town, 22 March 2013.
  • Barnes, V., Gachago, D., Ivala, E. 2013. Digital storytelling and authentic learning: A case study in industrial design. Presentation at the Authentic Learning Colloquium, Cape Town, 22 March 2013.
  • Morkel, J., Ivala, E., Gachago, D. 2013. Cognitive apprenticeship and work integrated learning: design-based research for improving an undergraduate program in architectural technology. Presentation at the Authentic Learning Colloquium, Cape Town, 22 March 2013.
  • Gachago D., Ivala, E., Barnes, V., Gill, P., Felix-Minnaar, J., Morkel, J., Vajat, N. 2012 Towards the development of models for digital storytelling across the disciplines (workshop) Research in Innovation, Teaching and Learning Conference, and include theme of conference (RITAL) Cape Town, 11 December 2012.
  • Gachago D., Ivala, E., Barnes, V., Gill, P., Felix-Minnaar, J. 2012: Towards the development of models for digital storytelling across the disciplines: activating students’ social and cultural capital.
  • Conference for Higher Education Teaching and Learning in South Africa (HELTASA), Cape Town 27-30 November 2012.
  • Brown, C., Gachago, D., Kelly-Laubscher R.,  Leisegang, K., Campell, A., Young, T., Titus, S. 2012. Emerging technologies for Authentic Learning (symposium). Conference for Higher Education Teaching and Learning in South Africa (HELTASA), Cape Town, 27-30 November 2012.
  • Chetty, R., Chigona A., Condy, J., Gachago D. and Ivala E. 2012. Challenging diversity discourse through digital storytelling. Symposium at the 7th ANNUAL RASA conference, Durban, 12th- 14th October 2012.
  • Bozalek V., Gachago D., Watters K., Alexander L., Ng'ambi D. and Ivala E. 2012. Preparing to confront reality: Intersections of emerging technologies, authentic learning and practice in the South African Higher Education context. Presentation at ALT-C, 11-13 September 2012, University of Manchester. Presentation.
  • Gachago, D., Bozalek, V., Ivala, E., Condy, J. and Chigona A. 2012. Exploring tensions between sentimentality and witnessing through digital storytelling. Paper presented at HECU6, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 11-13 July. Presentation. 
  • Gachago, D., Ivala, E. and Chigona, A. 2012. Disrupting teaching and learning with emerging technologies: lecturers’ experiences at a University of Technology in South Africa. Paper presented at emerge2012 online conference, 9-20 July 2012. Presentation.
  • Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Backhouse, J., Bosman, JP, Bozalek, V., Ng'ambi, D. and Watters, K. 2012. Towards a shared understanding of emerging technologies: experiences in a collaborative research project in South Africa. Paper presented at emerge2012 online conference, 9-20 July 2012. Presentation.
  • Gachago, D. and Barnes, V. 2012. Using technologies for authentic learning. Invited presentation at the Cisco Networking Academy Conference 2012, Cape Town, July. 
  • Gill, P., Ivala, E., Gachago, D., Mkhize, L., Petersen and N. Vajat. 2012. Digital Storytelling: Learning through storytelling in nursing education. Colloquium Building a Firm Foundation: Theory Informing Practice, University of Pretoria:  25 and 26 June 2012.
  • Ivala, E., Gachago, D, Condy, J. and Chigona A. 2011. Digital Storytelling and reflection in higher education: A case of pre-service student teachers at a University of Technology.  Presentation at HELTASA, 30 Nov - 2 December 2011, Port Elizabeth.
  • Gachago, D., Ivala E. and Chigona A. 2011. The disruptive nature of emerging technologies: lecturers' experiences at a University of Technology in South Africa. Presentation at HELTASA, 30 Nov - 2 December 2011, Port Elizabeth. Click here for presentation (ppt) or prezi.
  • Bozalek, V., N'gambi, D., Gachago, D., Ivala E. and Watters, K. 2011. Emerging technologies in South African HEIs: towards transformative teaching and learning practices. Presentation at HELTASA, 30 Nov - 2 December 2011, Port Elizabeth. Click here for presentation.
  • Gachago, D. 2011. 2010 CPUT ICT survey: staff and students perceptions on access and use of ICTs at the insitution. Presentation at CPUT Teaching and Learning with Technologies Day, 2 November 2011, Cape Town. Click here for presentation.
  • Bozalek, V., Ng'ambi, D. and Gachago, D. 2011. Emerging Technologies in South African Higher Education Institutions. Insitutional enables and challenges. Presentation at the 2011 SAAIR forum, Cape Town, 11-13 October 2011. Click here for the presentation.
  • Gachago, D. 2011. Emerging technologies, student engagement and collaboration. Keynote at Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Extended Curriculum Programmes (ECPs) – Regional Conference. Cape Town. Click here for presentation and paper.
  • Condy, J., Chigona, A., Gachago, D. and Ivala, E. 2011. Pre-service students' perceptions and experiences of digital storytelling in diverse classrooms. Presentation at the International conference on Diversity. UWC, Cape Town, 20-22 June 2011. Click here for abstract and presentation.
  • Gachago D. 2011. Developing Digital Literacies Through Digital Storytelling in Pre-Service Teacher Students.Presentation at eLearning Africa 2011. Mliminani Conference Center, Dar Ess Salaam, Tanzania, May 2011. Link to conference programme: click here. Link to presentation and video example click here.
  • Ivala, E. and Gachago D. 2010. Using social media for enhancing student engagement in learning: The use of Facebook and blogs at CPUT. Presentation at RITAL 2010. CPUT, December 2010. Link to presentation and video recording click here.
  • Ivala, E. and Gachago D. 2010. Using social media for enhancing student engagement in learning: The use of facebook and blogs at CPUT. Presentation at Heltasa 2010. University of Limpopo, November 2010.
  • Gachago, D. and Mbiya, B. 2010. The use of an instantaneous messaging system in Engineering teaching. Presentation at the Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Extended Curricula Regional Conference, Cape Town, August 2010.
  • Gachago, D. and Whiting, C. 2010. New technologies for Teaching and Learning – Unclick your mind. Presentation at the CPUT Language Indaba, Cape Town, August 2010.
  • Gachago, D. 2009. RF clicker upgrade at the CSE – staff perceptions. Poster presented at the Elearning@Ed conference, August 2009.
  • Gachago, D. and Dishon, V. 2008. Learning stickiness the hard way - the long way round. Presentation at the Telling the Story ePortfolio Conference, Wolverhampton, June 2008.
  • Gachago, D. and Rennie, R. 2008. Learning academic referencing: awareness and feedback by using Turnitin self-submissions. eLearning@Edinburgh 2008 conference, April 2008. Link to presentation: 
  • Gachago, D. 2007. eLearning in Africa. eLearning in Rwanda Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, December 2007.
  • Gachago, D. 2007. The Vanguard Courses at the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh - a model for promoting Responsible Learning? ALT-C Conference, Nottingham, UK.
  • Gachago, D. and Mafote, S. 2007. Assessment of the Effectiveness of the CAD eLearning Certificate at the University of Botswana. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (eLearning Africa), Nairobi, Kenya, May 2007.
  • Howie, K. and Gachago, D. 2007. The use of clickers in the College of Science and Engineering. Presentation at the eLearning@Edinburgh: Action and e-Action conference, March 2007.
  • Giannini-Gachago, D. and Thapisa, A. 2006. Facts, figures and experiences with the introduction of eLearning at the University of Botswana. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (eLearning Africa), UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2006.
  • Batane, T. and Giannini-Gachago, D. 2006. Students Online Discussions and WebCT: A Case of UB. Presented at the WebCT Africa User Conference in Johannesburg, April 2006.
  • Giannini-Gachago, D. and Molelu, B. 2005. Facts, figures and experiences with the introduction of eLearning in a higher education institution in developing environments – the case of the University of Botswana. Paper presented at the Executive e-Learning Seminar in Cape Town, May 2005.
  • Giannini, D., and Megerle, K. 2004. SANTREN: Southern African Network for Training and Environment. Paper presented at International Learntec Forum 2004, Baden-Baden, Germany.
  • Giannini, D. 2004. Pedagogical approaches to enhance student-centred learning using WebCT in developing countries – instructional practices at the University of Botswana. Paper presented at WebCT User Conference 2004, Amsterdam, Netherlands


  • Gachago, D and Bozalek, V. 2014. What Makes Us Different?: South African Education Students’ Construction of an Non-Racial Narrative Identity. Presented at AERA, Chicago, April 2015.

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