

Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press. 

Book chapters
    1. Palllitt, N., Gachago, D. & Bali, M. 2025. Embracing Change: Journeys to Learning Design. In. D. Conrad & W. Archer (Eds.). Portraits of Academic Life in Higher Education:  From Hiring to Retiring.  Brill, pp131-146.  
    2. Jaga, A., Gachago, D. & Farista, F. 2024. Designing with others - reflections on a co-created learning design process to decolonise People Management. In M. Ralarala, S. Pillay, Z. Bock and R. Kaschula (Eds): Unlocking the chains of knowledge. Stellenbosch: Sun Press, pp 33-50.
    3. Gachago, D. 2024. When Co-Creating across Difference. Commentary in  Inger-Marie F. Christensen, Lina Markauskaite, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Dwayne Ripley and Roland Hachmann (Eds): Creating Design Knowledge in Educational Innovation: Theory, Methods, and Practice. Taylor-Francis.
    4. Gachago, D. & Gachago, M. 2023. Chapter 11 Mothering and Working across Difference. In Kelly W. Guyotte, Stephanie Anne Shelton, Shelly Melchior, and Carlson H. Coogler (Eds). Academic Mothering: Fabulating Futures for Higher Education. Leiden: Brill, pp156-164.  
    5. Gachago, D., Shangase, P., Ivala, E. 2023. Chapter 1: Introduction. In Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp.1-12.
    6. Strydom, S., Titus, S., Waghid, F., & Gachago, D. 2023. Enabling inter-institutional co-design and co-facilitation of a postgraduate diploma module in educational technology: Uncovering sites of struggle, negotiation and accommodation among course facilitators. In Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp.15-36. 
    7. Gachago, D. & Dunford, M. 2023.  Understanding our complicity: Reflections on an international collaboration. In Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp.237-260. 
    8. Gachago, D., Bali, M., & Pallitt, N. 2022.  Compassionate Learning Design as a Critical Approach to Instructional. In Jerod Quinn; Martha Burtis; Surita Jhangiani; and Robin DeRosa (eds): Towards a Critical Instructional Design Design. Pressbook.
    9. Pallitt, N., Bali, M., & Gachago, D. 2022. Academic Development as Compassionate Learning Design: Cases from South Africa and Egypt. In T. Jaffer, S. Govender & L. Czerniewicz (Eds.), Learning Design Voices.
    10. Gachago, D. & Hoerfurter, A. 2022. E-Learning-Entwicklung durch Co-Creation: Bedeutsam und Gemeinsam. In  M. Pfannstiel & P. Steinhoff (Eds): E-Learning im digitalen Zeitalter. Cham: Springer. 327–341.
    11. Pallitt, N., Gachago, D. & Bali, M. 2021. No Size Fits All: Design Considerations for Networked Professional Development in Higher Education. In Nina Bonderup Dohn, Jens Jørgen Hansen, Stig Børsen Hansen, Thomas Ryberg & Maarten de Laat (Eds): Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning. Cham: Springer. 53-71. 
    12. Gachago, D., Morkel, J., Van Zyl, I. & Ivala, E. 2021. From Design Thinking to Design Doing: Experiences from an Academic Staff Development Programme for Blended Course Design. In Nina Bonderup Dohn, Jens Jørgen Hansen, Stig Børsen Hansen, Thomas Ryberg& Maarten de Laat (Eds): Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning. Cham: Springer. 19-35.  
    13. Cupido, X. & Gachago, D. 2021. Staying stuck … diffracting co-creation in higher education. In Ralarala, M.,  Hassan, L. & Nadioo, R. (Eds): Knowledge beyond colour lines: Towards repurposing knowledge generation in South African higher education. Bellville: UWC Press. 27-40. Link to chapter.
    14. Gachago, D., Scheepers, J. & Livingston, C. 2021. Telling Stories about Stories. Towards ethical guidelines for digital storytelling in Higher Education. In Bezerra, J., Paterson, C. & Paphitis, S. (Eds): Challenging the Apartheids of Knowledge in Higher Education through Social Innovation. Stellenbosch: Sun Media. link to chapter
    15. Gachago, D. & Stewart, K. 2021. Response-able Digital Storytelling to Reimagine Higher Education Classroom Practices. In Bozalek, V. Zembylas, M. & Tronto, J. (Eds): Posthuman and Political Care Ethics for Reconfiguring Higher Education Pedagogies. London and New York: Routledge Research in Higher Education: 123-136.
    16. Gachago, D., Van Zyl, I. & Waghid, F. 2021. More than Delivery: Designing Blended Learning Spaces with and for Academic Staff. In Sosibo, L. & Ivala, E. (Eds.) Transforming Learning Spaces. WilmingtonVernon Press, pp. 132-146. Link to chapter
    17. Ngoasheng, A., Cupido, X., Oyekola, S., Gachago, D., Mpofu, A., & Mbekela, Y. 2019. Advancing democratic values in higher education through open curriculum co-creation: Towards an epistemology of uncertainty. In L. E. Quinn, ed. Reimaging Curricula: Spaces for Disruption. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media: 324–344. 
    18. Condy, J., Green, L. & Gachago, D. 2019. Exploring Being Human Today: Equipping Teachers for Diversity. In G. Mare, ed. Race and Education. Stellenbosch: Sun Press: 41–68. doi:10.18820/9781928480150.
    19. Ivala, E., Gachago, D. & Sosibo, L. 2019. Diverse Staff Voices on the Transformation of a Merged South African University of Technology. In E. Ivala & C. Scott, eds. Faculty Perspectives on Vocational Training in South Africa. New York: Routledge.  link to book
    20. Noble, A. & Gachago, D. 2019. Towards Critical Citizenship Education—A Case Study in an Architectural Technology and Interior Design Extended Curriculum Course. In Faculty Perspectives on Vocational Training in South Africa. New York: Routledge. link to book
    21. Gachago, D. 2018. Lessons on Humility: White Women’s Racial Allyship in Academia. In S. A. Shelton, J. E. Flynn, & T. J. Grosland, eds. Feminism and Intersectionality in Academia. New York: Springer Link: 131–144. Link to book
    22. Gachago, D., Bozalek, V.G. & Ng’ambi, D. 2018. White guilt and shame: students’ emotional reactions to digital stories of race in a South African classroom. In L. Smith, M. Wetherell, & G. Campbell, eds. Emotion, Affective Practices, and the Past in the Present. Milton Park & New York: Routledge. Link to book.
    23. Bozalek, V.G., Bayat, A., Gachago, D., Motala, S. & Mitchell, V. 2018. A Pedagogy of Response-ability. In V. G. Bozalek, R. Braidotti, T. Shefer, & M. Zembylas, eds. Socially just pedagogies. London & New York: Bloomsbury: 97–112. 
    24. Gachago, D. & Sykes, P. 2017. Navigating Ethical Boundaries When Adopting Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. In G. Jamisson, P. Hardy, Y. Nordkvelle, & H. Pleasants, eds. Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan: 91–106.
    25. Gachago, D. 2016. Addressing some of the elephant(s) in South African research education: race and reflexivity in postgraduate study. In L. Frick, P. Motshoane, C. MacMaster, & C. Murphy, eds. Postgraduate Study in South Africa: Surviving and Succeeding. Stellenbosch: Sun Media: 13–22.
    26. Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. 2015. Web2.0 and social media: Essential tools for contemporary teaching and learning. In W. Kinfoil, ed. Moving beyond the hype: A contextualised view of learning with technology in higher education. Pretoria: Universities South Africa: 19–24. Link to publication.
    27. Barnes, V. & Gachago, D. 2015. Digital storytelling and authentic learning: A case study in Industrial Design. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st-century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 47–62.
    28. Gachago, D. 2015. Owning your emotions or sentimental navel-gazing: Digital storytelling with South African pre- service student educators. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 165-179.
    29. Gachago, D. & Cronje, F. 2015. When a story becomes more than just stoep-talk: Digital counter-storytelling with pre-service teacher education students. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 117–130.
    30. Gachago, D. 2015. Seeing the world through somebody else’s eyes: developing capabilities for a socially just education. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 99–106.
    31. Ivala, E., Gachago, D. & Thiart, A. 2015. A lecturer's perception on the adoption of the inverted classroom or flipped method. In  M. Ciussi, ed. Leading Issues in e-Learning Research MOOCs and Flip: What’s Really Changing? Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited: 46-61. ISBN:978-1-910309-89-6
    32. Barnes, V,. Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. 2015. Digital Storytelling in Industrial Design. In P.C. Layne & P. Lane, eds. Global Innovation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Springer: pp. 47-69.  
    33. Bozalek, V., Gachago, D., & Watters, K. 2014. Chapter 10: Twenty-first century pedagogies: portraits of South African higher educators using emerging technologies. In V. Bozalek, D. Ng’ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman, & A. Amory, eds. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies. London & New York: Routledge: 115–125.
    34. Hardman, J., Amory, A., Verenikina, I., Latukefu, L., Aghardien, N., Kizita, R., Mashiyi, N., Roisin-Laubscher, R., Gachago, D., Barnes, V. & Ivala, E. 2014. Chapter 13: The case studies: CHAT in use. In V. Bozalek, D. Ng’ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman, & A. Amory, eds. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies. London & New York: Routledge: 159–191.
    35. Ng’ambi, D.,  Bozalek, V.,   Gachago, D.,  Morkel, J.,  Ivala, E.,  Campbell, A.,  Simelane, S., Dimpe, D.,   Rambe, P. &  Bere, A. 2014. Chapter 15 The case studies: Emerging Technologies. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies: Towards a Transformative Higher Education Pedagogy. In V. Bozalek, D. Ng’ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman, & A. Amory, eds. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 211-233.

    Academic journal articles
    1. Bali, M, Gachago, D., & Pallitt, N. 2024. Compassionate Learning Design as Practised by Equity-Oriented Learning Designers.  Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE).
    2. Gachago, D., Huang, C.-W., Immenga, C., Cox, G., Mosienyane, T. & Govender, S.. 2024. Designing in the Times of AI: Co-Creation as a Strategy towards Emergent Learning Design. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies (AJIMS), 6 (1), 
    3. Magunje, C., Chigona, A., & Gachago, D. 2024. Investigating in academic staff development to foster transformative learning for sustainable e-learning: a case of one institution in higher learning. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 38(3), pp. 230-249. 
    4. Gachago, D., Hlatshwayo, M., Nkoala, S., & Van Heerden, L. 2024. Two unlikely bedfellows: Towards a decolonial unconference methodology. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 12(SI1), 21–43.
    5. Huang, C.W, Govender, S., & Gachago, D. 2023. From the individual to the collective: Repositioning assessment as a social practice. SOTL in the South Special Issue: Reframing and re-purposing assessment in higher education in the global South, 7(3). 
    6. Gachago, D., Bali, M. & Pallitt, N. 2023. Equity-Oriented Learning Design: An Entangled Future. Postdigit Sci Educ. 
    7. Govender, S., Immenga, C., & Gachago, D. 2023. Designing Systems with Care: Responding to Inequality in an Online Course in South Africa. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 12(2).
    8. Gachago, D., Bali, M, & Pallitt, N. 2023. Changing from Within: Narratives of Resistance from Equity-Oriented Learning Designer. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 12(2). *
    9. Gachago, D., Huang, C., Czerniewicz, L. & Deacon, A. 2023. A commodity to be exploited and exhausted: Expressions of alienation in higher education. Digital Culture & Education, 14(4).  
    10. Noble, A. & Gachago, D. 2022. Developing Critical Digital Literacies Through Digital Storytelling: Student Attempts at Re-Telling the District Six Story. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 14(3), 
    11. Cruz, L, Morkel, J, & Gachago, D. 2022. Future tense—Reorienting higher education toward an unknown future. In P. Rappoport, M. Garland & E. Root (Eds) in Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. A Communication Perspective Special Issue of Frontiers in Communication.
    12. Belluigi, D. Z., Czerniewicz, L., Gachago, D., Camps, C., Aghardien, N., & Marx, R. 2022. ‘Deeply and deliciously unsettled’? Mis-reading discourses of equity in the early stages of Covid19. Higher Education. 
    13. Gachago, D., Jones, B., Esambe, E., Jongile, S. &  Ivala, E. 2021. Engaging knowledge and the knower: Design considerations for emerging modes of academic staff development. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL), 9(SI), pp. 145-169.  
    14. Gachago, D., Cruz, L., Belford, C., Livingston, C., Morkel, J., Patnaik, S. & Swartz, B., 2021. Third places: cultivating mobile communities of practice in the global south. International Journal for Academic Development.  Special issue on Conversations on Learning and Teaching.
    15. Networked Learning Editorial Collective (NLEC)., Gourlay, L., Rodríguez-Illera, J.L. et al. 2021. Networked Learning in 2021: A Community Definition. Postdigital Science Education, 3: 326–369.
    16. Czerniewicz, L., Agherdien, N., Badenhorst, J., Belluigi, D., Chili, M., Villiers, M. De, Felix, A., Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Kramm, N., Madiba, M., Mistri, G., Mgqwashu, E., Pallitt, N., Prinsloo, P., Solomon, K., Strydom, S., Swanepoel, M., Waghid, F. & Wissing, G. 2020. A wake-up call : Equity , inequality and Covid-19 emergency remote teaching and learning. Postdigital Science and Education. fbclid=IwAR3dWEIwpRz4r7ox3izGoj64g1Flee6eJT0IDOQg42MuPkl1R7211mc7Y0M
    17. Stewart, K.D., &  Gachago, D.  2020. Step into the discomfort : ( Re ) orienting the white gaze and strategies to disrupt whiteness in educational spaces. Whiteness and Education.
    18. Gachago, D. & Livingston, C. 2020. The elephant in the room: Tensions between normative research and an ethics of care for digital storytelling in higher education. Reading & Writing, 11(1): 1–8. 
    19. Gachago, D., Clowes, L. & Condy, J. 2018. ‘ Family comes in all forms , blood or not ’: disrupting dominant narratives around the patriarchal nuclear family. Gender and Education, 30(8): 966–981. 
    20. Swartz, B.C., Gachago, D. & Belford, C. 2018. To care or not care - reflections on the ethics of blended learning in times of disruption. South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE), 32(6): 49–64. 
    21. Sykes, P. & Gachago, D. 2018. Creating “ Safe-Ish ” Learning Spaces ‒ Attempts To Practice an Ethics of Care. South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE), 32(6): 83–98. 
    22. Gachago, D., Bozalek, V.G. & Ng’ambi, D. 2018. Travelling into the other’s world: South African pre-service teacher education students’ construction of difference, belonging and identity. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32(3): 189–208.
    23. Gachago, D., Morkel, J., Hitge, L., van Zyl, I. & Ivala, E. 2017. Developing eLearning champions: a design thinking approach. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 14(1). .
    24. Ngoasheng, A. & Gachago, D. 2017. Dreaming up a new grid: Two lecturers’ reflections on challenging traditional notions of identity and privilege in a South African classroom. Education as Change, 21(2): 187–207.
    25. Gachago, D. 2016. The Performativity of Digital Stories in Contexts of Systemic Inequality. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 30(3): 296–308., 
    26. Bozalek, V., Bayat, A., Motala, S., Mitchell, V. & Gachago, D. 2016. Diffracting socially just pedagogies through stained glass. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 30(3): 201–218.
    27. Ng’ambi, D., Brown, C., Bozalek, V., Gachago, D. & Wood, D. 2016. Technology enhanced teaching and learning in South African higher education - A rearview of a 20 year journey. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(5): 843–858.
    28. Gachago, D., Livingston, C. & Ivala, E. 2016. Podcasts: A technology for all? British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(5): 859–872.
    29. Stewart, K. & Gachago, D. 2016. Being human today: A digital storytelling pedagogy for transcontinental border crossing. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(3): 528–542.
    30. Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Chigona, A. & Condy, J. 2015. Owning your emotions or sentimental navel-gazing: Digital storytelling with South African pre-service student educators. Journal of Cultural Science, 8(2), pp. 18–35. Available at:
    31. Gachago, D., Sosibo, Z. & Ivala, E. 2015. Nostalgia , Anxiety and Gratification : Narratives of Female Staff in a Merged Higher Education Institution. Alternation, 16: 19–43Link to Online Journal.
    32. Ivala, E., Thiart, A. & Gachago, D. 2015. Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method : Students ’ and Lecturer ’ s Perceptions. Alternation, 16: 234–258.  Link to Online Journal.
    33. Bozalek, V., Watters, K. & Gachago, D. 2015. Power, Democracy and Technology : The Potential Dangers of Care for Teachers in Higher Education. Alternation, 16: 259–282. Link to Online Journal.
    34. Gachago, D., Strydom, S., Hanekom, P., Simons, S. & Walters, S. 2015. Crossing boundaries: lecturers’ perspectives on the use of WhatsApp to support teaching and learning in Higher Education. Progressio, 37(1): 172–187. 
    35. Gachago, D. et al. 2014. Using Digital Counterstories as Multimodal Pedagogy among South African Pre-service Student Educators to produce Stories of Resistance. Electronic Journal of e-Learning (eJeL), 12(1), pp. 29–42. Available at: *
    36. Ivala, E., Gachago, D., Condy, J., & Chigona, A., 2014. Digital Storytelling and Reflection in Higher Education: A Case of Pre-service Student Teachers and Their Lecturers at a University of Technology. Journal of Education and Training Studies. 2(1), pp. 217-227.  *
    37. Gachago, D., Condy, J., Ivala, E. & Chigona, A. 2014. ‘All stories bring hope because stories bring awareness’: Students ’ perceptions of digital storytelling for social justice education. South African Journal of Education, 34(4): 1–12.
    38. Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Barnes, V., Gill, P., Felix-Minnaar, J., Morkel, J. & Vajat, N. 2014. Towards the development of digital storytelling practices for use in resource-poor environments, across disciplines and with students from diverse backgrounds. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 28(3): 961–982.
    39. Ivala, E., Gachago, D., Condy, J., & Chigona, A., 2013. Enhancing Student Engagement with Their Studies : A Digital Storytelling Approach. Creative Education, 4(10), pp. 82–89. Available at: *
    40. Bozalek, V.G., Ng’ambi, D. & Gachago, D. 2013. Converging institutional expertise to model teaching and learning with emerging technologies. progressio, 35(3): 19–36.
    41. Gachago, D., Ivala, E. & Chigona, A. 2013. Disruptive use of emerging technologies in teaching and learning: Lecturers’ experiences at a University of Technology in South Africa. progressio, 35(3): 37–60.
    42. Bozalek, V.G., Ng’ambi, D. & Gachago, D. 2013. Transforming teaching with emerging technologies: implications for Higher Education Institutions. South African Journal of Higher Education, 27(2): 419–436.
    43. Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Backhouse, J., Bosman, J.P. & Bozalek, V.G. 2013. Towards a shared understanding of emerging technologies: Experiences in a collaborative research project in South Africa. The African Journal of Information Systems, 5(3): 94–105.
    44. Bozalek, V.G., Gachago, D., Alexander, L., Watters, K., Wood, D., Ivala, E. & Herrington, J. 2013. The use of emerging technologies for authentic learning: A South African study in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(4): 629–638. 
    45. Gachago, D. , Ivala, E., Condy, J. & Chigona, A., 2013. Journeys across Difference: Pre- Service Teacher Education Students’ Perceptions of a Pedagogy of Discomfort in a Digital Storytelling Project in South Africa. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 1(1), pp. 22–52. Available at:
    46. Ivala, E. & Gachago, D. 2012. Social media for enhancing student engagement: The use of Facebook and blogs at a University of Technology. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 26(1): 152–167.
    47. Condy, J., Chigona, A., Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. 2012. Preservice students’ perceptions and experiences of digital storytelling in diverse classrooms. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), 11(3): 278–285.
    48. Gachago, D., Simon, E. & Morris, A., 2011. Engagement Levels in a Graphic Design Clicker Class: Students’ Perceptions around Attention, Participation and Peer Learning. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10, pp. 253–269. Available at: *
    49. Gachago, D. , Mafote, S., Munene-Kabanya, A., & Lee, M., 2007. Assessment of the effectiveness of the CAD eLearning Certificate at the University of Botswana. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 3(4). Available at: *
    50. Thurab-Nkhosi, D., Lee, M. & Gachago, D., 2005. Preparing Academic Staff for e-Learning at the University of Botswana. innovate, 2(1). Available at: *
    51. Lee, M., Thurab-Nkhosi, D. & Giannini-Gachago, D., 2005. Using informal collaboration to develop quality assurance processes for eLearning in developing countries : The case of the University of Botswana and The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 1(I), pp. 108–127. Available at: *

    *not DHET accredited journals

    Other publications 

    1. Bozalek, V. & Gachago, D. (2023). Editorial. Special Issue on Critique and Criticality. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CriSTaL). pdf
    2. Gachago, D. (2023). What is Critical in EdTech research? Special Issue on Critique and Criticality. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CriSTaL). pdf
    3. Parker, M., Cruz, L, Gachago, D. & Morkel. J. (2020). Design Thinking for Challenges and Change in K–12 and Teacher Education (Editorial). Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. Special Issue: Design Thinking, 4(1), 
    4. Gachago, D., 2017. The ethics of listening to build community in the commons (review essay). Pedagogy, Culture & Society, (July). Available at:
    5. Parker, M., Cruz, L., Gachago, D., & Morkel, J. (2020). Design Thinking for Challenges and Change in K–12 and Teacher Education. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 155545892097546.
    6. Gachago, D. (2020). Editorial. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 8(1). 
    7. Gachago, D, & Cupido, X. 2020. Designing learning in unsettling times. Heltasa Blog.
    8. Gachago, D. & Ngoasheng, A., 2016. South Africa’s “ rainbow nation ” is a myth that students need to unlearn. The Conversation, pp.1–3. 
    9. Gachago, D., Morris, A. & Simon, E., 2010. Helping the flow of the thinking juice: student engagement in a Graphic Design clicker class. In Garraway J. (Ed.), Mont Fleur Papers 2010, Foundation/ECP Writing Workshop Proceedings. Cape Town: CPUT.
    10. Gachago, D. 2009. Staff perceptions on the new RF clicker system at the University of Edinburgh. ALT October newsletter.
    11. Giannini-Gachago, D. & Seleka, G., 2005. Experiences with international online discussions: Participation patterns of Botswana and American students in an Adult Education and Development course at the University of Botswana. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT (IJEDICT), 1(2).
    12. Giannini-Gachago, D. & Molelu, B., 2005. Facts, figures and experiences with the introduction of eLearning in a Higher Education institution in developing environments: The case of the University of Botswana. Lonaka, Bulletin of the Centre for Academic Environment, University of Botswana, October 2005. 
    13. Thurab-Nkhosi, D., Lee, M., & Giannini, D., 2003. Instructional Design and eLearning at UB. Lonaka, Bulletin of the Centre for Academic Environment, University of Botswana, March 2003.

    Technical reports

    1. Pesce, F et al., 2016. Travelling Stories: Digital storytelling with young people studying and working abroad.
    2. Brown, C., & Gachago, D. (eds), 2013. Emerging technologies in Higher Education - a guide for South African Higher Education practitioners. Cape Town: University of Western Cape. Available online: 
    3. Gachago, D., & Ivala, E., 2013. The use of podcasting at CPUT. Cape Town: Fundani, CPUT.
    4. Gachago, D., & Ivala, E., 2011. CPUT ICT access and use survey (staff and students). Cape Town: Fundani, CPUT.
    5. Gachago, D. 2009.  Staff perceptions on the new RF clicker system at the College of Science and
    6. Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Click here for full report.
    7. Gachago, D. 2008. University of Edinburgh CSE ePortfolio pilots 2007/2008 – student feedback. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Click here for full report.

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