Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press.
- Palllitt, N., Gachago, D. & Bali, M. 2025. Embracing Change: Journeys to Learning Design. In. D. Conrad & W. Archer (Eds.). Portraits of Academic Life in Higher Education: From Hiring to Retiring. Brill, pp131-146.
- Jaga, A., Gachago, D. & Farista, F. 2024. Designing with others - reflections on a co-created learning design process to decolonise People Management. In M. Ralarala, S. Pillay, Z. Bock and R. Kaschula (Eds): Unlocking the chains of knowledge. Stellenbosch: Sun Press, pp 33-50.
- Gachago, D. 2024. When Co-Creating across Difference. Commentary in Inger-Marie F. Christensen, Lina Markauskaite, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Dwayne Ripley and Roland Hachmann (Eds): Creating Design Knowledge in Educational Innovation: Theory, Methods, and Practice. Taylor-Francis.
- Gachago, D. & Gachago, M. 2023. Chapter 11 Mothering and Working across Difference. In Kelly W. Guyotte, Stephanie Anne Shelton, Shelly Melchior, and Carlson H. Coogler (Eds). Academic Mothering: Fabulating Futures for Higher Education. Leiden: Brill, pp156-164. - Gachago, D., Shangase, P., Ivala, E. 2023. Chapter 1: Introduction. In Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp.1-12.
- Strydom, S., Titus, S., Waghid, F., & Gachago, D. 2023. Enabling inter-institutional co-design and co-facilitation of a postgraduate diploma module in educational technology: Uncovering sites of struggle, negotiation and accommodation among course facilitators. In Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp.15-36.
- Gachago, D. & Dunford, M. 2023. Understanding our complicity: Reflections on an international collaboration. In Phindile Zifikile Shangase, Daniela Gachago, Eunice Ndeto Ivala (Eds.) 2023. Co-teaching and co-research in contexts of inequality: Using networked learning to connect Africa and the world. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp.237-260.
- Gachago, D., Bali, M., & Pallitt, N. 2022. Compassionate Learning Design as a Critical Approach to Instructional. In Jerod Quinn; Martha Burtis; Surita Jhangiani; and Robin DeRosa (eds): Towards a Critical Instructional Design Design. Pressbook.
- Pallitt, N., Bali, M., & Gachago, D. 2022. Academic Development as Compassionate Learning Design: Cases from South Africa and Egypt. In T. Jaffer, S. Govender & L. Czerniewicz (Eds.), Learning Design Voices.
- Gachago, D. & Hoerfurter, A. 2022. E-Learning-Entwicklung durch Co-Creation: Bedeutsam und Gemeinsam. In M. Pfannstiel & P. Steinhoff (Eds): E-Learning im digitalen Zeitalter. Cham: Springer. 327–341.
- Pallitt, N., Gachago, D. & Bali, M. 2021. No Size Fits All: Design Considerations for Networked Professional Development in Higher Education. In Nina Bonderup Dohn, Jens Jørgen Hansen, Stig Børsen Hansen, Thomas Ryberg & Maarten de Laat (Eds): Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning. Cham: Springer. 53-71.
- Gachago, D., Morkel, J., Van Zyl, I. & Ivala, E. 2021. From Design Thinking to Design Doing: Experiences from an Academic Staff Development Programme for Blended Course Design. In Nina Bonderup Dohn, Jens Jørgen Hansen, Stig Børsen Hansen, Thomas Ryberg& Maarten de Laat (Eds): Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning. Cham: Springer. 19-35.
- Cupido, X. & Gachago, D. 2021. Staying stuck … diffracting co-creation in higher education. In Ralarala, M., Hassan, L. & Nadioo, R. (Eds): Knowledge beyond colour lines: Towards repurposing knowledge generation in South African higher education. Bellville: UWC Press. 27-40. Link to chapter.
- Gachago, D., Scheepers, J. & Livingston, C. 2021. Telling Stories about Stories. Towards ethical guidelines for digital storytelling in Higher Education. In Bezerra, J., Paterson, C. & Paphitis, S. (Eds): Challenging the Apartheids of Knowledge in Higher Education through Social Innovation. Stellenbosch: Sun Media. link to chapter
- Gachago, D. & Stewart, K. 2021. Response-able Digital Storytelling to Reimagine Higher Education Classroom Practices. In Bozalek, V. Zembylas, M. & Tronto, J. (Eds): Posthuman and Political Care Ethics for Reconfiguring Higher Education Pedagogies. London and New York: Routledge Research in Higher Education: 123-136.
- Gachago, D., Van Zyl, I. & Waghid, F. 2021. More than Delivery: Designing Blended Learning Spaces with and for Academic Staff. In Sosibo, L. & Ivala, E. (Eds.) Transforming Learning Spaces. Wilmington: Vernon Press, pp. 132-146. Link to chapter
- Ngoasheng, A., Cupido, X., Oyekola, S., Gachago, D., Mpofu, A., & Mbekela, Y. 2019. Advancing democratic values in higher education through open curriculum co-creation: Towards an epistemology of uncertainty. In L. E. Quinn, ed. Reimaging Curricula: Spaces for Disruption. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media: 324–344.
- Condy, J., Green, L. & Gachago, D. 2019. Exploring Being Human Today: Equipping Teachers for Diversity. In G. Mare, ed. Race and Education. Stellenbosch: Sun Press: 41–68. doi:10.18820/9781928480150.
- Ivala, E., Gachago, D. & Sosibo, L. 2019. Diverse Staff Voices on the Transformation of a Merged South African University of Technology. In E. Ivala & C. Scott, eds. Faculty Perspectives on Vocational Training in South Africa. New York: Routledge. link to book
- Noble, A. & Gachago, D. 2019. Towards Critical Citizenship Education—A Case Study in an Architectural Technology and Interior Design Extended Curriculum Course. In Faculty Perspectives on Vocational Training in South Africa. New York: Routledge. link to book
- Gachago, D. 2018. Lessons on Humility: White Women’s Racial Allyship in Academia. In S. A. Shelton, J. E. Flynn, & T. J. Grosland, eds. Feminism and Intersectionality in Academia. New York: Springer Link: 131–144. Link to book.
- Gachago, D., Bozalek, V.G. & Ng’ambi, D. 2018. White guilt and shame: students’ emotional reactions to digital stories of race in a South African classroom. In L. Smith, M. Wetherell, & G. Campbell, eds. Emotion, Affective Practices, and the Past in the Present. Milton Park & New York: Routledge. Link to book.
- Bozalek, V.G., Bayat, A., Gachago, D., Motala, S. & Mitchell, V. 2018. A Pedagogy of Response-ability. In V. G. Bozalek, R. Braidotti, T. Shefer, & M. Zembylas, eds. Socially just pedagogies. London & New York: Bloomsbury: 97–112.
- Gachago, D. & Sykes, P. 2017. Navigating Ethical Boundaries When Adopting Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. In G. Jamisson, P. Hardy, Y. Nordkvelle, & H. Pleasants, eds. Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan: 91–106.
- Gachago, D. 2016. Addressing some of the elephant(s) in South African research education: race and reflexivity in postgraduate study. In L. Frick, P. Motshoane, C. MacMaster, & C. Murphy, eds. Postgraduate Study in South Africa: Surviving and Succeeding. Stellenbosch: Sun Media: 13–22.
- Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. 2015. Web2.0 and social media: Essential tools for contemporary teaching and learning. In W. Kinfoil, ed. Moving beyond the hype: A contextualised view of learning with technology in higher education. Pretoria: Universities South Africa: 19–24. Link to publication.
- Barnes, V. & Gachago, D. 2015. Digital storytelling and authentic learning: A case study in Industrial Design. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st-century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 47–62.
- Gachago, D. 2015. Owning your emotions or sentimental navel-gazing: Digital storytelling with South African pre- service student educators. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 165-179.
- Gachago, D. & Cronje, F. 2015. When a story becomes more than just stoep-talk: Digital counter-storytelling with pre-service teacher education students. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 117–130.
- Gachago, D. 2015. Seeing the world through somebody else’s eyes: developing capabilities for a socially just education. In J. Condy, ed. Telling stories differently: Engaging 21st century students through Digital Storytelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 99–106.
- Ivala, E., Gachago, D. & Thiart, A. 2015. A lecturer's perception on the adoption of the inverted classroom or flipped method. In M. Ciussi, ed. Leading Issues in e-Learning Research MOOCs and Flip: What’s Really Changing? Reading: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited: 46-61. ISBN:978-1-910309-89-6
- Barnes, V,. Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. 2015. Digital Storytelling in Industrial Design. In P.C. Layne & P. Lane, eds. Global Innovation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Springer: pp. 47-69.
- Bozalek, V., Gachago, D., & Watters, K. 2014. Chapter 10: Twenty-first century pedagogies: portraits of South African higher educators using emerging technologies. In V. Bozalek, D. Ng’ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman, & A. Amory, eds. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies. London & New York: Routledge: 115–125.
- Hardman, J., Amory, A., Verenikina, I., Latukefu, L., Aghardien, N., Kizita, R., Mashiyi, N., Roisin-Laubscher, R., Gachago, D., Barnes, V. & Ivala, E. 2014. Chapter 13: The case studies: CHAT in use. In V. Bozalek, D. Ng’ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman, & A. Amory, eds. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies. London & New York: Routledge: 159–191.
- Ng’ambi, D., Bozalek, V., Gachago, D., Morkel, J., Ivala, E., Campbell, A., Simelane, S., Dimpe, D., Rambe, P. & Bere, A. 2014. Chapter 15 The case studies: Emerging Technologies. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies: Towards a Transformative Higher Education Pedagogy. In V. Bozalek, D. Ng’ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman, & A. Amory, eds. Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 211-233.
- Bali, M, Gachago, D., & Pallitt, N. 2024. Compassionate Learning Design as Practised by Equity-Oriented Learning Designers. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE).
- Gachago, D., Huang, C.-W., Immenga, C., Cox, G., Mosienyane, T. & Govender, S.. 2024. Designing in the Times of AI: Co-Creation as a Strategy towards Emergent Learning Design. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies (AJIMS), 6 (1),
- Magunje, C., Chigona, A., & Gachago, D. 2024. Investigating in academic staff development to foster transformative learning for sustainable e-learning: a case of one institution in higher learning. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 38(3), pp. 230-249.
- Gachago, D., Hlatshwayo, M., Nkoala, S., & Van Heerden, L. 2024. Two unlikely bedfellows: Towards a decolonial unconference methodology. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 12(SI1), 21–43.
- Huang, C.W, Govender, S., & Gachago, D. 2023. From the individual to the collective: Repositioning assessment as a social practice. SOTL in the South Special Issue: Reframing and re-purposing assessment in higher education in the global South, 7(3).
- Gachago, D., Bali, M. & Pallitt, N. 2023. Equity-Oriented Learning Design: An Entangled Future. Postdigit Sci Educ.
- Govender, S., Immenga, C., & Gachago, D. 2023. Designing Systems with Care: Responding to Inequality in an Online Course in South Africa. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 12(2). *
- Gachago, D., Bali, M, & Pallitt, N. 2023. Changing from Within: Narratives of Resistance from Equity-Oriented Learning Designer. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 12(2). *
- Gachago, D., Huang, C., Czerniewicz, L. & Deacon, A. 2023. A commodity to be exploited and exhausted: Expressions of alienation in higher education. Digital Culture & Education, 14(4).
- Noble, A. & Gachago, D. 2022. Developing Critical Digital Literacies Through Digital Storytelling: Student Attempts at Re-Telling the District Six Story. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 14(3),
- Cruz, L, Morkel, J, & Gachago, D. 2022. Future tense—Reorienting higher education toward an unknown future. In P. Rappoport, M. Garland & E. Root (Eds) in Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. A Communication Perspective Special Issue of Frontiers in Communication. *
- Belluigi, D. Z., Czerniewicz, L., Gachago, D., Camps, C., Aghardien, N., & Marx, R. 2022. ‘Deeply and deliciously unsettled’? Mis-reading discourses of equity in the early stages of Covid19. Higher Education.
- Gachago, D., Jones, B., Esambe, E., Jongile, S. & Ivala, E. 2021. Engaging knowledge and the knower: Design considerations for emerging modes of academic staff development. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL), 9(SI), pp. 145-169.
- Gachago, D., Cruz, L., Belford, C., Livingston, C., Morkel, J., Patnaik, S. & Swartz, B., 2021. Third places: cultivating mobile communities of practice in the global south. International Journal for Academic Development. Special issue on Conversations on Learning and Teaching.
- Networked Learning Editorial Collective (NLEC)., Gourlay, L., RodrÃguez-Illera, J.L. et al. 2021. Networked Learning in 2021: A Community Definition. Postdigital Science Education, 3: 326–369.
- Czerniewicz, L., Agherdien, N., Badenhorst, J., Belluigi, D., Chili, M., Villiers, M. De, Felix, A., Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Kramm, N., Madiba, M., Mistri, G., Mgqwashu, E., Pallitt, N., Prinsloo, P., Solomon, K., Strydom, S., Swanepoel, M., Waghid, F. & Wissing, G. 2020. A wake-up call : Equity , inequality and Covid-19 emergency remote teaching and learning. Postdigital Science and Education. fbclid=IwAR3dWEIwpRz4r7ox3izGoj64g1Flee6eJT0IDOQg42MuPkl1R7211mc7Y0M
- Stewart, K.D., & Gachago, D. 2020. Step into the discomfort : ( Re ) orienting the white gaze and strategies to disrupt whiteness in educational spaces. Whiteness and Education.
- Gachago, D. & Livingston, C. 2020. The elephant in the room: Tensions between normative research and an ethics of care for digital storytelling in higher education. Reading & Writing, 11(1): 1–8.
- Gachago, D., Clowes, L. & Condy, J. 2018. ‘ Family comes in all forms , blood or not ’: disrupting dominant narratives around the patriarchal nuclear family. Gender and Education, 30(8): 966–981.
- Swartz, B.C., Gachago, D. & Belford, C. 2018. To care or not care - reflections on the ethics of blended learning in times of disruption. South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE), 32(6): 49–64.
- Sykes, P. & Gachago, D. 2018. Creating “ Safe-Ish ” Learning Spaces ‒ Attempts To Practice an Ethics of Care. South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE), 32(6): 83–98.
- Gachago, D., Bozalek, V.G. & Ng’ambi, D. 2018. Travelling into the other’s world: South African pre-service teacher education students’ construction of difference, belonging and identity. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32(3): 189–208.
- Gachago, D., Morkel, J., Hitge, L., van Zyl, I. & Ivala, E. 2017. Developing eLearning champions: a design thinking approach. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 14(1). .
- Ngoasheng, A. & Gachago, D. 2017. Dreaming up a new grid: Two lecturers’ reflections on challenging traditional notions of identity and privilege in a South African classroom. Education as Change, 21(2): 187–207.
- Gachago, D. 2016. The Performativity of Digital Stories in Contexts of Systemic Inequality. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 30(3): 296–308.,
- Bozalek, V., Bayat, A., Motala, S., Mitchell, V. & Gachago, D. 2016. Diffracting socially just pedagogies through stained glass. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 30(3): 201–218.
- Ng’ambi, D., Brown, C., Bozalek, V., Gachago, D. & Wood, D. 2016. Technology enhanced teaching and learning in South African higher education - A rearview of a 20 year journey. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(5): 843–858.
- Gachago, D., Livingston, C. & Ivala, E. 2016. Podcasts: A technology for all? British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(5): 859–872.
- Stewart, K. & Gachago, D. 2016. Being human today: A digital storytelling pedagogy for transcontinental border crossing. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(3): 528–542.
- Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Chigona, A. & Condy, J. 2015. Owning your emotions or sentimental navel-gazing: Digital storytelling with South African pre-service student educators. Journal of Cultural Science, 8(2), pp. 18–35. Available at: *
- Gachago, D., Sosibo, Z. & Ivala, E. 2015. Nostalgia , Anxiety and Gratification : Narratives of Female Staff in a Merged Higher Education Institution. Alternation, 16: 19–43. Link to Online Journal.
- Ivala, E., Thiart, A. & Gachago, D. 2015. Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method : Students ’ and Lecturer ’ s Perceptions. Alternation, 16: 234–258. Link to Online Journal.
- Bozalek, V., Watters, K. & Gachago, D. 2015. Power, Democracy and Technology : The Potential Dangers of Care for Teachers in Higher Education. Alternation, 16: 259–282. Link to Online Journal.
- Gachago, D., Strydom, S., Hanekom, P., Simons, S. & Walters, S. 2015. Crossing boundaries: lecturers’ perspectives on the use of WhatsApp to support teaching and learning in Higher Education. Progressio, 37(1): 172–187.
- Gachago, D. et al. 2014. Using Digital Counterstories as Multimodal Pedagogy among South African Pre-service Student Educators to produce Stories of Resistance. Electronic Journal of e-Learning (eJeL), 12(1), pp. 29–42. Available at: *
- Ivala, E., Gachago, D., Condy, J., & Chigona, A., 2014. Digital Storytelling and Reflection in Higher Education: A Case of Pre-service Student Teachers and Their Lecturers at a University of Technology. Journal of Education and Training Studies. 2(1), pp. 217-227. *
- Gachago, D., Condy, J., Ivala, E. & Chigona, A. 2014. ‘All stories bring hope because stories bring awareness’: Students ’ perceptions of digital storytelling for social justice education. South African Journal of Education, 34(4): 1–12.
- Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Barnes, V., Gill, P., Felix-Minnaar, J., Morkel, J. & Vajat, N. 2014. Towards the development of digital storytelling practices for use in resource-poor environments, across disciplines and with students from diverse backgrounds. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 28(3): 961–982.
- Ivala, E., Gachago, D., Condy, J., & Chigona, A., 2013. Enhancing Student Engagement with Their Studies : A Digital Storytelling Approach. Creative Education, 4(10), pp. 82–89. Available at: *
- Bozalek, V.G., Ng’ambi, D. & Gachago, D. 2013. Converging institutional expertise to model teaching and learning with emerging technologies. progressio, 35(3): 19–36.
- Gachago, D., Ivala, E. & Chigona, A. 2013. Disruptive use of emerging technologies in teaching and learning: Lecturers’ experiences at a University of Technology in South Africa. progressio, 35(3): 37–60.
- Bozalek, V.G., Ng’ambi, D. & Gachago, D. 2013. Transforming teaching with emerging technologies: implications for Higher Education Institutions. South African Journal of Higher Education, 27(2): 419–436.
- Gachago, D., Ivala, E., Backhouse, J., Bosman, J.P. & Bozalek, V.G. 2013. Towards a shared understanding of emerging technologies: Experiences in a collaborative research project in South Africa. The African Journal of Information Systems, 5(3): 94–105.
- Bozalek, V.G., Gachago, D., Alexander, L., Watters, K., Wood, D., Ivala, E. & Herrington, J. 2013. The use of emerging technologies for authentic learning: A South African study in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(4): 629–638.
- Gachago, D. , Ivala, E., Condy, J. & Chigona, A., 2013. Journeys across Difference: Pre- Service Teacher Education Students’ Perceptions of a Pedagogy of Discomfort in a Digital Storytelling Project in South Africa. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 1(1), pp. 22–52. Available at:
- Ivala, E. & Gachago, D. 2012. Social media for enhancing student engagement: The use of Facebook and blogs at a University of Technology. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 26(1): 152–167.
- Condy, J., Chigona, A., Gachago, D. & Ivala, E. 2012. Preservice students’ perceptions and experiences of digital storytelling in diverse classrooms. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), 11(3): 278–285.
- Gachago, D., Simon, E. & Morris, A., 2011. Engagement Levels in a Graphic Design Clicker Class: Students’ Perceptions around Attention, Participation and Peer Learning. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10, pp. 253–269. Available at: *
- Gachago, D. , Mafote, S., Munene-Kabanya, A., & Lee, M., 2007. Assessment of the effectiveness of the CAD eLearning Certificate at the University of Botswana. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 3(4). Available at: *
- Thurab-Nkhosi, D., Lee, M. & Gachago, D., 2005. Preparing Academic Staff for e-Learning at the University of Botswana. innovate, 2(1). Available at: *
- Lee, M., Thurab-Nkhosi, D. & Giannini-Gachago, D., 2005. Using informal collaboration to develop quality assurance processes for eLearning in developing countries : The case of the University of Botswana and The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 1(I), pp. 108–127. Available at: *
*not DHET accredited journals
citation index see
- Bozalek, V. & Gachago, D. (2023). Editorial. Special Issue on Critique and Criticality. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CriSTaL). pdf
- Gachago, D. (2023). What is Critical in EdTech research? Special Issue on Critique and Criticality. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CriSTaL). pdf
- Parker, M., Cruz, L, Gachago, D. & Morkel. J. (2020). Design Thinking for Challenges and Change in K–12 and Teacher Education (Editorial). Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. Special Issue: Design Thinking, 4(1),
- Gachago, D., 2017. The ethics of listening to build community in the commons (review essay). Pedagogy, Culture & Society, (July). Available at:
- Parker, M., Cruz, L., Gachago, D., & Morkel, J. (2020). Design Thinking for Challenges and Change in K–12 and Teacher Education. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 155545892097546.
- Gachago, D. (2020). Editorial. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 8(1).
- Gachago, D, & Cupido, X. 2020. Designing learning in unsettling times. Heltasa Blog.
- Gachago, D. & Ngoasheng, A., 2016. South Africa’s “ rainbow nation ” is a myth that students need to unlearn. The Conversation, pp.1–3.
- Gachago, D., Morris, A. & Simon, E., 2010. Helping the flow of the thinking juice: student engagement in a Graphic Design clicker class. In Garraway J. (Ed.), Mont Fleur Papers 2010, Foundation/ECP Writing Workshop Proceedings. Cape Town: CPUT.
- Gachago, D. 2009. Staff perceptions on the new RF clicker system at the University of Edinburgh. ALT October newsletter.
- Giannini-Gachago, D. & Seleka, G., 2005. Experiences with international online discussions: Participation patterns of Botswana and American students in an Adult Education and Development course at the University of Botswana. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT (IJEDICT), 1(2).
- Giannini-Gachago, D. & Molelu, B., 2005. Facts, figures and experiences with the introduction of eLearning in a Higher Education institution in developing environments: The case of the University of Botswana. Lonaka, Bulletin of the Centre for Academic Environment, University of Botswana, October 2005.
- Thurab-Nkhosi, D., Lee, M., & Giannini, D., 2003. Instructional Design and eLearning at UB. Lonaka, Bulletin of the Centre for Academic Environment, University of Botswana, March 2003.
Technical reports
- Pesce, F et al., 2016. Travelling Stories: Digital storytelling with young people studying and working abroad.
- Brown, C., & Gachago, D. (eds), 2013. Emerging technologies in Higher Education - a guide for South African Higher Education practitioners. Cape Town: University of Western Cape. Available online:
- Gachago, D., & Ivala, E., 2013. The use of podcasting at CPUT. Cape Town: Fundani, CPUT.
- Gachago, D., & Ivala, E., 2011. CPUT ICT access and use survey (staff and students). Cape Town: Fundani, CPUT.
- Gachago, D. 2009. Staff perceptions on the new RF clicker system at the College of Science and
- Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Click here for full report.
- Gachago, D. 2008. University of Edinburgh CSE ePortfolio pilots 2007/2008 – student feedback. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Click here for full report.