10 days in Toronto...

I am sitting at the Toronto International Airport gathering my thoughts on the last 10 days in Toronto. I attended two conferences: the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies conference ( AAACS ) organised by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and AERA. What are my thoughts so far: AERA was amazing this. Big as usual, but somehow I was better at choosing sessions. Rather than by streams or SIGs I mainly went by names of people I wanted to hear speak. I didn't do any key notes, but lots of sessions by the people I follow. This seemed to have worked well. I focused on critical media literacy, decolonisation, whiteness, emotions/empathy, post-qualitative inquiry and narrative research. I really got back into feminist affect theorists - vowed to read Sara Ahmed and Lauren Berlant again. Discovered Sara Ahmed's Phenomenology on Whiteness , which I need to read and re-read. Went to a fantastic session on Dis-Orient...